Studio Dansa

Plesna in gibalna praksa

V sezoni 2023/24 se bodo izvajali naslednji tečaji:

Plesna in gibalna praksa

Nivo: predznanje ni potrebno

Tečaj se  ne izvaja.


“Plesna & gibalna praksa with Polina” takes place in a safe environment, where we begin to understand how to live in the body and with the body, regardless ofour motor and dance experience.

Each of our meetings begins with a warm-up, which can be both dynamic and more deeply focused on self-attention.

The second part of the lesson is various practices, done in a playful way, either in pairs, group interaction or solo. We also touch on the topic of improvisation, study various tools for understanding the relationship between emotions and the body. We touch a little on anatomy, meditative practices, authentic movement, drawing, writing letters.

The third part is the final sharing. Here we share our experience.

This course is suitable for those who want to:

move further and deeper, find support in difficult situations,
expand the palette of movements,
be treated with care through movement,
move without rules and allow the body to be,
dance choreographies, but to stay and feel connected to their body,
reflect, improvise, observe how they can move,
recognize the connection of the head with the body,
feel more freedom and improvisation, more contact with people,
understand what is happening in the body due to changes,
understand how emotions are displayed in the body,
learn how to communicate with their body, understand how to use it and not be shy.

Classes are suitable for absolutely everyone, regardless of age, previous dance experience, gender, build or stature. What matters is your desire to get to know your body or keep in touch with it.

What else is important?
This is not therapy, here we reflect, learn something about ourselves, relax, get and share support, dance the accumulated, get a new experience. And we don’t teach choreography.