Studio Dansa

Petkov SWING plesni večer + Swingwagon

Ta petek, 17.3. se bo na Vilharjevi zgodil  koncert Graške zasedbe Swingwagon.
Še pred tem pa MOTW* in DJ program.


Swingwagon is a Gypsy-Jazz-, Swing-Quintett from Graz, based on arrangements of Jazz-Standards from the 20s till the 40s and the music of Django Reinhardt. The young jazz students as well let their own compositions in this kind of style be known in their repertoire. With lightness and humour in their playing as well as great feeling and passion for swing-jazz, this band makes you feel the music swingin’, makes you happy and makes you wanna dance!

Nikola Vukovic – trumpet with all kinds of mutations
Piotr Lipowicz – guitar
David Dresler – snare drum, vocals, shouting
Tin Dzaverović – double bass

prostovoljni prispevek
Pričnemo ob 21h
MOTW*: 21:30
Pričetek koncerta 22h

*MOTW – move of the week. Kratka plesna vaja,
kjer učitelja vsem prisotnim predstavita in jih naučita
kombinacijo, korak ali variacijo.
Zelo zabavno in navdihujoče 🙂 Pričnemo točno ob 21:30!